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  1. P

    Survival Games Restating Hunger Games Teams

    I have recently reached a total of 250 games played, and i would like to post another thread about the hunger games teams. Personally its quite a big issue, because after a large win streak, i haven't been able to win a game for 50+ times. I have talked to a few people and they seem to be having...
  2. P

    Merry Christmas everyone! :D

    Merry Christmas! Only 16 days!
  3. P


    I love the community of this server. Everyone (almost everyone) is so nice and kind, and cool. but then i get the occasional player (i mainly play hunger games) that hacks, or just is better then me, kills me, and says something like "easy" or "noob" or "get good". Its just sad. I just wanted to...
  4. P

    Forums Teaming On Hunger Games - Make It Banable

    True.. lol. But it happened again. I out geared them but one had the fire aspect book or something and rip me 2k15, right after a 10 kill streak :(
  5. P

    Forums Teaming On Hunger Games - Make It Banable

    I tried all 5 times and i got both of them to about half health. Of which i out geared them about 3 times. Its just so annoying, and its a waste of my time to leave the lobby just because i know there is a good team. I don't know what to do, especially if i have a limited amount of time :/ ( btw...
  6. P

    Forums Teaming On Hunger Games - Make It Banable

    Just by the way, i couldnt find the Survival Games Prefix. This is my first forums post so i did the best i could :D
  7. P

    Forums Teaming On Hunger Games - Make It Banable

    So there are two types of teaming. Two kids teaming to have fun, and maybe try and win the hunger games, but then there is the less... enjoyable version. Two pros teaming to boost their stats. Take Tazzanator and Flawlesshuman. They teamed for about 5 games, of which i was in all 5. They didnt...