Search results

  1. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP [Complete] Clayworld 1v1 Arena

    The 1v1 maps are supposed to be as similar as they can to the main map. So maybe, just like in the normal clay world, the middle has a structure covering the center. It would give your 1v1 arena more details since it is hard to detail builds that are strictly clay.
  2. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Survival Games Different types of Sg's

    I Like the idea of it being op, but maybe tone it down a little bit with Super Golden Apples...
  3. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Survival Games Different types of Sg's

    Having the different game types would split up the players. So waiting in lobbies would be painful and soon the hubs would be spammed with join Teams 6! This would be a great idea if there were more players. For example... Mineplex, they have the same thing, but they can afford splitting up all...
  4. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Free For All

    Hello! I was thinking it would be REALLY cool if you could type /ffa and it puts a &4[&cFFA&4] prefix before your name, so that you dont have to keep telling your team mates that you are FFA. I can see how it might no be in any ways useful for other players, but for people with a lot of team...
  5. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Tab List

    I thought it would be cool if the tab list was organized with the person on the highest streak was at the top, or like them best Kill Death Ratio at the top, either one. It would add a nice aspect to the game, and maybe the players would get more coins or xp if they take out the person on the...
  6. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Miss-Spelled in site

    Ok thank you. So I was tripping then
  7. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Kit PvP Map

    Sweet thank you!
  8. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Miss-Spelled in site

    I have located a spelling error whilst I was reading forums and instead it says "Star Conversation" rather that "Start Conversation" I have taken a screenshot of it. But I am not sure if the spelling error is only on iPhone (or just a phone). And I have tried rotating my phone and zooming out...
  9. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Kit PvP Map

    I Will tomorrow sorry, its complicated.
  10. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Kit PvP Map

    Hello! I am Chaotic_Gaming_, and i have changed my name to _Doozie. These are the screenshots of the build that i wanted ti submit for kit pvp, for the 3 maps are getting boring to be honest.
  11. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Kit PvP Clan

    Hello, I am starting a clan for mostly pvp. If you would like to join, your username must say "Doozie". My current username is Chaotic_Gaming_ but i am changing it to Doozie_Gaming_ because i have also started a youtube channel. To help you think of some usernames that you can use Doozie with...
  12. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Misleading Ranks

    Thank you!
  13. Chaotic_Gaming_

    Misleading Ranks

    Hi! I was wondering if you were to buy Mockingjay, would you get all the perks that lets say Capitol has? I'm not sure, because I play on kit pvp, and I'm looking to buy mockingjay, but I want access to the Katniss kit and Assassin kit. Please help! Thank you!