Search results

  1. MineJam

    I miss 2017 happyhg, forever in my heart. love all yall.

    I miss 2017 happyhg, forever in my heart. love all yall.
  2. MineJam

    Congratulations, you have received the Best Owner Award. On behalf of me and only me...

    Congratulations, you have received the Best Owner Award. On behalf of me and only me, Congratulations
  3. MineJam


    Once you get on my level :P I have almost 600 wins. <3
  4. MineJam


  5. MineJam

    Oldest OG that still plays

    I joined yesterday though
  6. MineJam

    So this happened on my way home last night

    Stop complaining, little bit of duck tape and you're fine.
  7. MineJam

    Accepted Blossom | By: SampaiMC

    I know what was meant, I'm just saying that this map is big enough for 2v2's.
  8. MineJam

    Accepted Blossom | By: SampaiMC

    I disagree with Trenly, I think this map can easily be used for 2v2's. 3v3's on the other hand, yeah there isn't enough room. Everything else I agree with.
  9. MineJam

    Create a Punishment dispute please.

    Create a Punishment dispute please.
  10. MineJam

    Gamemode towny?

    Yeah when it comes out in 2098
  11. MineJam

    Gamemode towny?

    "HHGN is more based on minigames and adventure maps rather than towny" ~_SmokeScreen_ 2017
  12. MineJam


  13. MineJam


  14. MineJam

    Girls Not hot

    Girls Not hot
  15. MineJam

    Mans not hot.

    Mans not hot.
  16. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False, Next person has had their chicken nuggets ate.
  17. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    True, Next person took a poop less than 25 minutes ago.
  18. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False, sounds fun though. Next person can do backflips
  19. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False,.. I wish... Next person doesn't want to go to college
  20. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False, im a rankless noob. Next person bought Panem out right.
  21. MineJam


    If you think you were wrongly punished, please create a post here And just so you know Punishments are given out per minecraft account, it doesn't matter who was on it. Brother, sister, etc. If your minecraft account was banned for...
  22. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    True, but its soooooo bad for you Next person has eaten bugs before
  23. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    True, I go to an Asian market down the street and its 12/10 strawberry is my favorite. Next person has no nipples.
  24. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False, I played the Violin for 2 years. Next person has eaten mountain oysters.
  25. MineJam

    Prediction Game

    False, Next person is a god at fortnite