Recent content by yoavsnake

  1. yoavsnake

    Fixed Bow Spleef no commands

    In Game Name: yoavsnake When do you discovered this Bug: When I played the new bow spleef. Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: /Ss leave Where is this bug Located / In wich section? Bow Spleef.
  2. yoavsnake

    Air (Litterally, see description)

    There you go. I haven't added the chests though, you can add them. :P
  3. yoavsnake

    Air (Litterally, see description)

    I would love to see a map that is actually nothing, with just chests (You will spawn on either melting ice or a block that disappears when the game starts), and when you reach the bottom, you will teleport to the top. You will also get a very big speed boost and have falling damage disabled.